Those Weird Feelings 

​Does anybody ever get these weird feelings?  Like when you head out of your house and you start feeling like you left the gas on or a tap running even though you know you didn’t because you doublechecked everything because you know you’ll get that feeling when you leave? Or you’re driving over a bridge […]

50 Ways To Deal With One Of Those Days 

You ever have one of those days? I should think everybody has, right?  Those days where nothing is wrong but nothing feels right either.  Technically speaking, there’s no cause for unhappiness but you’re not happy all the same.  Let’s call them… Tapioca days.  Because, for me, it feels like swimming in a big vat of […]

New Year, New Me? Lol, nah b. 

At the end of every year, amidst the celebrations and resolutions, we always see those people with the message: New Year, New Me.  My question is, why?  Why do you feel the need to change yourself just because an old year was coming to an end?  What’s so wrong with you that you feel you […]

Places to Go, Lives to Live

I’ve never actually met anyone that goes “I love staying in the same place and doing the same things every single day and that’s what I want to do with the rest of my life” That’s not to say that they don’t exist or there’s any thing wrong with that, I’ve just never met anyone […]

I Am Not Amused. 

I’m pissed.  I’m seriously pissed.  I am so angry right now.  The reason I’m so mad is… well it may seem silly to most but it’s a reason all the same.  I read this fanfiction on AO3 where Draco Malfoy takes polyjuice and is gangraped by the Gryffindor boys in his year.  Obviously I would […]

You’re magical

We’ve all heard about magic or voodoo or Wiccan or juju. Whatever you choose to call it. The explanation of things beyond the ordinary. Of course everyone assumes that magic is make believe or fictional. We watch magic acts and illusions and we’re constantly amazed yet some rational part of our mind assures us that […]

I’m back…? 

So it’s safe to say it’s been a while. School, life, laziness: the usual excuses.  This post is a tad bleaker than my usual style so if you’d rather something more upbeat, check out my previous post.  I actually started my holiday about two weeks ago and I’ve been slowly getting acquainted with the blogging world […]